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Showing posts from September, 2010

Testimonies & Testifying

September 26, 2010 Led by Dennis Jeffries Revelation 18:1  -  an angel was going to reveal things to John Revelation 19:10  -  the angel said not to worship him but to worship God; God and Jesus are one *** See 1 John 5:7 *** Revelation 12:17  -  the testimony of Jesus Christ is salvation *** Who is "the dragon" and "the woman"? *** Revelation 1:1-2, 9  -  John testified of the things he saw and the things to come 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10  -  those who believe the testimony will admire the Lord John 3:11  -  Jesus testified about what he had seen John 7:7  -  the world hates Jesus because he testifies about the evil of this world *** What did Jesus testify about the world before the Flood? See Genesis 6:9. *** John 5:39  -  the scriptures testify of Christ Acts 20:24  -  his ministry was to testify of the grace of God Acts 8:26-39  -  the eunuch's testimony *** Did the eun...

The Joy of Salvation

September 19, 2010 Led by Dennis Jeffries Psalm 51:12  -  "restore unto me the joy of thy salvation" *** Why did David lose the joy of salvation?*** Psalm 52:16-17  -  God doesn't desire our good works *** Go back and read about the Widow and her two mites, Mark 12:41-44 *** Psalm 9:14  -  "I will rejoice in thy salvation" by showing His praises Psalm 13:5  -  rejoice because of His mercy Psalm 27:1-2  -  the joy of salvation is light Psalm 27:5-6  -  rejoice because He hides and protects us Psalm 37:3-6  -  joy of salvation is... being fed, getting the desires of our heart, and God bringing forth our righteousness as the light Psalm 34:19  -  there are many afflictions but God delivers out of them all *** Read 2 Timothy 3:12 *** Psalm 35:1, 9  -  rejoice because He fights our battles; doesn't say that the flesh rejoices but the soul rejoices Psalm 69:4  -  they hate us...

When the Godly Intercede

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Led by Dennis Jeffries (Thank you, Carol, for supplying the notes.) Exodus 32:7-14   -  Moses intercedes for the children on Israel and God repents of the evil he intended for them 1 Samuel 1:9  -  Hannah interceded for a son. Job 1:5  -  Job interceded for the sins that his children might have committed James 5:16  -  confess your faults and pray for one another Ezekiel 14:12-22  -  Even Noah, Daniel, and Job wouldn't be able to save this people from God's wrath Jeremiah 15:1  -  Moses and Samuel can't intercede for these people Unfortunately, too many Christians don't think that this applies to them... that it's just the world. They forget all the times that God punishes his chosen people... and they just think that it was the Israelites that did those things... not us today.

Some Old News Articles from the early 1900s

These are articles about Dennis's uncles from Lamar, Missouri. You don't see stories like this in our papers today, so we thought you might enjoy reading these. Lamar Has Ten Year Old Boy Teacher from the Lamar Democrat, Monday, December 7, 1925 Son of a Local Baptist Minister. The Child Seems to Have Made Known His Intention to Preach, On the Day Before He Delivered His First Sermon -- Filled His Father's Appointment -- Child Preached Thirty Minutes.         Lamar has a ten year old preacher. He delivered his first sermon at Bethany Sunday and he proposed to preach at Pleasant Hill next Sunday. It seems that the inspiration came to the ten year old boy, only the day before he delivered his first sermon. The following story of the boy preacher came from Bethany.          To the great surprise of all, James F. Jeffries, whose age is 10 years, 10 months, and 27 days, the eldest son of Rev. J.N. Jeffries, told h...

The Judgment Day

September 12, 2010 Led by Dennis Jeffries Matthew 10:14-15  -  it's more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgement than for those who reject    *** Read Genesis 19 about Sodom and Gomorrha *** Matthew11: 20-24  -  Jesus did many mighty works yet the people still didn't believe and repent *** Who do you think that Capernaum sounds like? We thought of New York (the economic crisis), Las Vegas (highest foreclosure rate), and New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina). Let us know who you think it sounds like. *** 2 Peter 2:9  -  the unjust are have punishment reserved for them in the judgment; we don't need to payback or have revenge here on earth 2 Peter 3:7  -  reserved unto fore against judgment; judgment is for the ungodly When is Your Judgment Determined? There are four ways: upon salvation, rejection of the Holy Ghost, death, or the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Hebrews 9:27  -  after death comes the ju...

God Be With You Till We Meet Again

September 5, 2010 Led by Dennis Jeffries Acts 20:19-38  -  Paul served the Lord with many tears, some of sorrow and some of joy;  he kept nothing back from speaking to them; Q:  What is repentance? A: Godly sorrow ; they wept because they knew it would be the last time they would see Paul's face. 2 Samuel 12:19-23  -  David knew that he his dead son would not return unto him but that would go unto him in heaven. 1 Thessalonians 4:13  -  We shall meet those that have passed on and are sleeping in the clouds when Jesus comes back . God Be With You Till We Meet Again God be with you till we meet again, By His counsels guide, uphold you, With His sheep securely fold you, God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus’ feet; Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. God be with you till we meet again, ’Neath His wings securely hide you, Daily manna still provide you, God...