September 26, 2010 Led by Dennis Jeffries Revelation 18:1 - an angel was going to reveal things to John Revelation 19:10 - the angel said not to worship him but to worship God; God and Jesus are one *** See 1 John 5:7 *** Revelation 12:17 - the testimony of Jesus Christ is salvation *** Who is "the dragon" and "the woman"? *** Revelation 1:1-2, 9 - John testified of the things he saw and the things to come 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 - those who believe the testimony will admire the Lord John 3:11 - Jesus testified about what he had seen John 7:7 - the world hates Jesus because he testifies about the evil of this world *** What did Jesus testify about the world before the Flood? See Genesis 6:9. *** John 5:39 - the scriptures testify of Christ Acts 20:24 - his ministry was to testify of the grace of God Acts 8:26-39 - the eunuch's testimony *** Did the eun...
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