Sunday, August 29, 2010
Led by Dennis Jeffries
Led by Dennis Jeffries
- Proverbs 22:1 - loving favor = kindness; great riches = material riches
- Numbers 12:1-3 - Moses had a good name because he was very meek (meaning humble)
- Exodus 3:11-12 - Moses didn't feel worthy of God's calling because he was so meek
- Acts 7:60 - Stephen demonstrated loving favor (kindness) toward others at his death
- Mark 12:43-44 - the widow gave her two mites in loving favor
- Proverbs 22:3 - the prudent (wise) foresee evil and hid from it
- Genesis 7:1 - Noah was a prudent man and God hid him *** Which would you choose: "The Unsinkable Titanic" made by man or the unsinkable ark made by God through man? ***
- Isaiah 26:20 - hid in thy chambers as if it won't be long now; the prudent foresee because God reveals it unto them
- Genesis 18:17-19 - Abraham was a prudent man so God didn't hid it from him
- Proverbs 22:4 - riches come by humility and the fear (respect) of the Lord; this is contrary to how the world says to get riches
- Proverbs 11:28,31 - if you trust in riches you will fall, it doesn't say maybe; the righteous will flourish and be blessed
- Mark 10:17-22,24-25,27 - the rich man trusted in his riches and went to hell; it's hard for a rich man to enter heaven but not impossible
- Proverbs 22:6 - train up a child in the way he should go and he won't depart from that teaching when he is older
- *** Here Dennis shared how when he was growing up Sunday used to be the Lord's day and you used to spend all day going to church (Sunday morning services, then fellowship throughout the day at someone's house, and then a Sunday night service). Now, because children weren't being trained that way anymore, Sunday is just a day to go to church for about an hour and then rush out of that place as fast as you can so you can go do what you want to do. Most church parking lots are empty by 5 minutes after the service has ended and this grieves Dennis. He asked all the parents in our group to train up their children to know that Sunday is the Lord's day meaning that it is the day put away our desires and serve the Lord and not ourselves (but also remembering that the Lord should be served every day.))