Sunday, October 31, 2010
Led by Dennis Jeffries
-- Judas Iscariot... even after spending so much time with Jesus in person he still wouldn't truly believe.
-- King Agrippa... even after hearing Paul's amazing testimony he said "almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian".
-- Children of Israel... even after all the miracles that the Lord did for them, Scripture says, that many didn't enter because of their unbelief.
Prayer Requests:
Jordyn Gourley & Mom - in Texas receiving treatment for stage 4 brain cancer (see prayer request page above)
Jamie & Lynn - divorce
Jen's Mom - starting radiation treatments
Voting on elections on Tuesday
Services in Oxford
Dennis Jeffries - hearing getting worse and on call for Jury duty in Novemeber
Stephanie & baby - in NICU after having a stroke but in now in stable condition
Wilmetta's friends from Phonpei - husband sick with cancer
Led by Dennis Jeffries
- Pharaoh:
- Exodus 5:1-2 - Pharaoh was an atheist
- Exodus 7: 9-13, 20; 8: 6, 17, 24; 9: 3, 6, 10, 23; 10: 13-16, 21-23; 12: 29 - Pharaoh saw the power of God through the twelve plagues/miracles yet he wouldn't believe. *** Read in between all the above verse to get the complete understanding of the whole story ***
- Nebuchadnezzar:
- Daniel 2: 46-47; 3:1, 6, 24-26, 29; 4: 8, 24, 27, 30-31, 34-37 - Nebuchadnezzar worshiped Daniel instead of worshiping God; even after all the things that he saw through Daniel and his three friends, Nebuchadnezzar still didn't believe. *** Read in between all the above verses to get the complete understanding of the whole story ***
-- Judas Iscariot... even after spending so much time with Jesus in person he still wouldn't truly believe.
-- King Agrippa... even after hearing Paul's amazing testimony he said "almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian".
-- Children of Israel... even after all the miracles that the Lord did for them, Scripture says, that many didn't enter because of their unbelief.
Prayer Requests:
Jordyn Gourley & Mom - in Texas receiving treatment for stage 4 brain cancer (see prayer request page above)
Jamie & Lynn - divorce
Jen's Mom - starting radiation treatments
Voting on elections on Tuesday
Services in Oxford
Dennis Jeffries - hearing getting worse and on call for Jury duty in Novemeber
Stephanie & baby - in NICU after having a stroke but in now in stable condition
Wilmetta's friends from Phonpei - husband sick with cancer