Sunday, December 5, 2010
Led by Dennis Jeffries
- Zephaniah 1:7-8 - "bid his guests" = gave them an invitation to come to Jesus; "strange apparel" = spiritual, no blood of Jesus on them; good works
- *** What are examples of "good works"? ***
- Matthew 22:1-14 - many receive the invitation but few are chosen; those who don't have a wedding garment will be cast to hell
- Isaiah 53:1-11 - most pictures of Jesus show a very handsome and attractive man but scripture says differently; Jesus was our offering for sin
- 2 Peter 1:4-11 - need to remember so we don't forget that we have been purged from the old man and how that happened
- *** What can we sacrifice for Him? ***
- Hebrews 9:1-28 - the tabernacle is now our body; High Priest is now Jesus
- Hebrews 13:15-16 - sacrifice of praise to God continually (using Jesus' name); doing good and communicating are sacrifices that God is pleased with
- Psalm 51:17 - sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; broken meaning how a horse is broke in or trained to do the master's will and not his own will
- Romans 12:1 - present your bodies a living sacrifice which is your reasonable service
- Philippians 3:8-9 - Paul sacrificed everything for Christ Jesus
- Matthew 19:29 - forsake everyone for Jesus and you shall receive one hundred fold
- *** What does Jesus' sacrifice mean to you? ***
Prayer Requests
Kevin Levingood's wife - recovering from brain surgery to remove tumor
Elisabeth Gintert - doctor appointment to possible remove tonsils
Jen's Mom - surgery a week from Monday
Zach & wife - just had twins which makes six children for their family