Sunday, July 10, 2011
Led by Eric Gintert
Isaiah 61:1-11
- Zion represents a group of people (believers); Jews represent believers; Gentiles represent non-believers
- Verse 3: God does the work, not any church or denomination or baptism or prayer.
- Verse 11: The fruits begint to show and God causes righteousness and praise to spring forth.
- Verse 6: "Keep not silence" even when you're told that you talk too much about God. If you are truly born again you will want to continually talk about the Lord.
- Question: Can a person be born again, without a fire and passion (desire) for the Lord, and then lose their salvation and then receive it again? Answer: No, that person is either backsliden or was never born again in the first place. Why: See John 3:1-6, you can only be born of the flesh one time and therefore, you can only be born spiritually one time. See also Matt 7:16-23, you will know those who love and want to live for God by their fruits... a good tree will not produce bad fruit just as a bad tree will not produce good fruit. Many who do good things will not enter heaven becasue it is not about our good works... it's about His work that He does through us. Study this topic for next week's service.
- Verse 10: Just as we must removed the stones from the soil before we can grow something we must remove the stones from our own hearts before we can become fruitful.
- Verse 2: God is looking for those who have a contrite spirit and who tremble at His word.
- Verse 5: The brethren that hated you and cast you out shall be ashamed but "Let the Lord be glorified" and God shall appear to your joy.
- Verse 13: God will comfort you as a mother comforts her child.
Shirley (Vicky Schultz's neighbor) - had surgery last week to remove skin cancer from her face... not sure how it went
Jim Ashley's restaurant, "Tommy's Resuaurant" - caught on fire and suffered extensive damage
Lois Walker - in the hospital; can't walk
Lois (Ray Walter's sister) - can't walk or stand; moderate demensia
Rob (Penny Walter's nephew) - in prision in Arizona; salvation
Larry & Vicky Schlutz - traveling to Richland on Monday