Sunday, April 1, 2012
Led by Eric Gintert
If you were told today that your life will be over by the time you wake up tomorrow, what would you do? What now would your cares and worries be? Would you care about your job, flues and colds, money, etc?
- Acts 5:1-11 - Ananias and Sapphira didn't have to give any money, but instead they lied saying they gave all they had... they kept some back for themselves. They we're trying to fit in with everyone else who were giving with their heart.
- If they would have known that the sin they were about to commit would cost them their lives, would they have done it?
- Luke 12:13-21 - This man did all he could to gain from this world. God took his breath to prove that none of the earthly possessions will profit us if we lose our soul.
- If this man would have known that his life would be required of him for all his greed, would he have continued to gather from the world's riches?
- Mark 14:32-36 - Jesus, knowing that that His time on earth was short, didn't try to "live it up" but knelt before His Father in prayer and supplication.
- 1 Samuel 28:7-20 - Because of king Saul's disobedience, God told him that his life was to be taken the next day. After receiving this news, Saul wept... but it doesn't say the he ever sought God.
- Isaiah 38:1-6 - King Hezekiah was also told that his life was going to be taken, but he sought the Lord and prayed and God added 15 years to his life.
- Psalm 90.12 - Lord, teach us to number our days!
- James 4:13-15 - Our life is but a vapor and we should never take for granted that we will have a next day. Instead we should say "if the Lord wills" we will have another day. He holds our lives in the palm of His hand.
Lois S. - sell house
Fields Family - sicknesses; Jacob's lip
Del M., Eric G., Carol G. - last week of work with current employer
Carol G. - salvation, job
Stephanie B. - meeting next week
Jasmine M. - surgery on Wednesday to remove teeth.
Carlos & Sherry S. - moving to Little Rock AR in mid April
Faith Like Coffee - business