Sunday, July 22, 2012
Led by Eric Gintert
2 Timothy 2:1-4, 15
- Be strong in the grace (true grace) in Christ Jesus.
- Endure hardness as a good soldier in Christ because as you share that grace, you'll be buffeted.
- We've been chosen to be soldiers to please Him who chose you.
- There is a right way and a wrong way to divide the truth; you must be in the Word to do it rightly.
Did I give more time to God than Sodom and Gomorrah gave to God?
1 Peter 2:11
- Abstain from fleshlly lussts, which war against our soul; we're pilgrims and strangers in this earth.
- Our conversation (lifestyle) is to be honest among the gentiles that God may be glorified in the nations
- Be sanctified (set apart) in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every person who asks a reason of the hope within you.
- If you love something above all else, everyone around you will know what or who it is that you love.
- How do you have a good conscience if you're not living godly in Christ Jesus?
- Your good conscience makes them ashamed that they accuse you falsely.
Are these "Christian"?
Are these things true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report? (Philippians 4:8)
Are vampires biblical?
Is it okay to sing 4-letter curse words in a "Christian" song... even if it's just role playing?
Is it good to cheer on the bad guy who used to be "good" but turned dark? (Isaiah 5:20)
1 Thessalonians 5:16-22
- We're quenching the spirit when we fill our eyes, ears, and minds with filth.
- Hold fast that which is GOOD (in God's eyes, not ours).
- Abstain from ALL appearance of evil!
- This is the will of God... abstain from fornication -- not just physical fornication, but spiritual fornication against God. Like Solomon who fornicated against God by building temples and idols for a woman.
- If you keep yourself from the things that take you from God, ye shall do well.
- In the latter times some will depart from the faith, because they will give heed to seducing spirits. The spirits will have a "Christian" label that will deceive many by speaking lies and hypocrisy, knowing that they're lying to satisfy their lusts.
- We must be sanctified by the Word and prayer.
- Put to death you members in the earth.
- This is what the lost are doing, so why are you doing these things also.
- Put off the old man and put on the new man, being renewed in the knowledge of Christ.
- The communication of thy faith should be effectual by acknowledging every good thing in Christ Jesus
- Let no corrupt communication come from your mouth, but that which is edifying.
- Don't shame the Spirit but remember his grace and mercy
- Evil communication corrupts good manners.
- Don't be deceived by Hollywood... it does effect you.
- The boys who killed 13 people at Columbine High School where fans of the 1994 rated-R movie Natural Born Killers. The code name for their evil plan was NBK.
- James Holmes, man who killed 12 people in Aurora, CO movie theater where The Dark Knight Rises was showing, believed he was the Joker from the Batman movie.
- This does not mean that we don't sin... we have a new relationship with Jesus and sin.
- These go so far from God that He gives them over to reprobate minds.
- If any Christian be found walking disorderly, don't associate with them... but count them as brothers and rebuke them.
- Give us this day our daily bread, the Word of God, we need it every day. He didn't say "our Sunday bread" or "our weekly bread".
Prayer Requests
Penny W. - traveling home tomorrow
Pray for rain... in God's acceptable time for His glory