Sunday, August 26, 2012
Led by Eric Gintert
(Click to listen to audio from our service)
- Parents are held highly accountable to raise their children in this commandment... that's how important it is!
- It is our continual duty to love God with all our heart, soul and might.
- It didn't say "love God with all your prayers all the day long" but to love Him with all your heart.
- Loving Him is not a textbook... it's in your heart because you want to do it.
- To be holy is to love God with all your heart, soul, and might.
- We need to "live on the love of God".
1 Thessalonians 5:17
- "Pray without ceasing." - don't stop praying!
- How would we do anything if we are always on our knees with hands folded?
- Prayer is communication with God at all times.
He wants us to return to the time when we were "giddy" for Him in the beginning when we were first saved.
Revelation 2:1-5
- We can do many great things (works), but He can still have something against us... we've left our first love.
- Our desire isn't there, we're doing it as works (to look good) but we're not communicating with God to seek His will.
- We need to repent and return to the first works of seeking God.
Luke 2:40-50
- They wouldn't have forgotten Jesus if they would have kept their eyes fixed on Him.
- Why did it take 3 days to find Him instead of 2 days? They weren't looking in the right place.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
- God wants to give us peace but we must seek Him until we find Him.
Prayer Requests
Melissa F. - infection; doctor appointment on Wednesday
Vicky S. - traveling to Wisconsin
Connie G. - dad health
Penny W. - back problems
People in Hurricane Issac path - Ron J.
Eric G. - Continue to help christian business this week