Sunday, January 27, 2013 Led by Eric Gintert Review from Last Week Mark 12:29-31 The first commandment is to love God. Then we are to love our neighbor. We tend to put our neighbor before God. How can we love our neighbor without loving God? Just as in a husband / wife relationship, they are one flesh but sometimes love the children more than each other. You can't truly love someone else before you love God. 2 John 1-7 Love is in truth . The Truth is Jesus (John 14:6). Definition of Love: that we walk after His commandments. His commandment is that we love Him with all our heart, mind, and should and them we love one another as ourselves. We must do God's commandments to display love. The neighbor is the non willing to do the will of God (the parable of the Good Samaritan). Should we stay away from evil doers? If so, is that "loving your neighbor"? 2 Corinthians 6:11-18 This is love, that we be not unequally yoked wi...
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