Proverbs 31:26
"She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her
tongue is the law of kindness."
1.What does the scripture mean?
She speaks wise, Godly words and she uses mercy and forgiveness.
2. How does this scripture apply to my life?
Do we consider our words that come out of our mouths? Think before
we speak, use honor and kindness.
3. How should I be using this scripture in my life?
We should use wisdom, by thinking about our words and keeping our focus on God. If we know God we will be drawn to his wisdom and kindness.
4. Where else in the Bible does it say something related to this scripture?
Prov 29:11, Prov 18:21, James 1:19
5. How is this scripture true?
Queen Esther used
wisdom when she talked to the king.